Alan Fildes, Egyptology & Alexander the Great

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A Pilgrimage to Burg El Hamam

Graffiti in the Temples of Ancient Egypt


Welcome to the website of Alan Fildes

Renowned for being almost as passionate about Alexander the Great as he is about Egyptology, Alan Fildes is a "once seen, never forgotten" character...

Having studied Egyptology and ancient history for over thirty years, Alan specialises in the Old Kingdom with a particular interest in pyramid sites and their related mastaba fields. As part of his research into official titles of the Old Kingdom, Alan is compiling a corpus of Vth Dynasty false door inscriptions from Giza and Saqqara.

Alan Fildes and David Bellamy

In the Burial Chamber of Huni

As part of his Saqqara-based research Alan has worked as part of the Oxford Egyptian Expedition team led by Dr Yvonne Harpur of Linacre College, Oxford, in the tomb of the vizier Kagemni and on contemporary tomb reliefs and inscriptions in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Alan Fildes' published work includes articles and reviews in the Egyptology magazine "NILE Offerings", the Nemes Online Archive and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism website "Tour Egypt", with regular collaborations with Dr Joann Fletcher on various projects, including their recently published biography of Alexander the Great and a forthcoming project on Old Kingdom burial sites.

There has been speculation about the discovery of a previous unknown pyramid Djedefre at Abu Rowash. Alan visited this pyramid in 1984, 1992 and 2004. Please click here to view the photographs.

Alan runs his own picture archive, which supplies international publishers and websites on a regular basis (eg British Museum Press, Egyptian Ministry of Tourism etc) and his library includes first editions of the key reference works (Reisner, Petrie, Lauer, Jecquier, Verner, Mysliwiec, Junker, etc).

Blunderbuss and Backsheesh by Alan Fildes
Alan Fildes - Son of Ramases?
Alan Fildes - Son of Ramases?
Alan Fildes - Mandala

From Blunderbuss & Baksheesh
courtesy of Mark Ollett

For over twenty years Alan Fildes has lectured extensively on his specialist subjects throughout the UK, including Manchester University and the Oxford University Archaeological Society.

He also takes study tours to Egypt and museum collections such as Cairo, the Louvre and Harrogate, where he was involved in the recent Egyptology exhibition "Land of the Pharaohs".


Alan Fildes, Egyptologist, Author, Alexander the Great
(photo courtesy of Michael Shepherd)


Ankhtifi visit March 2009

Article about the re-visit to Ankhtifi March 2009

Click here to read the Article   


Alan is a long-standing member of the Egypt Exploration society, the Sudan Archaeological Research Society and the International Association of Egyptologists. He is Chairman of the Nemes Egyptology Society and is the founder of the "Friends of Kagemni" which helps fund Old Kingdom based research at Saqqara.

Nemes Archive of Journals


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